News: Resident Evil DS Site Launches

Posted 26 Aug 2005 at 13:54 by Tom Phillips
Capcom launch a teaser site for the recently revealed Resident Evil: Deadly Silence...
Complete with creepy background music and the infamous deep voice announcing the name of the game ("Biohazard DS"), Capcom have launched Deadly Silence's site here.
There's not much on there right now, but it does confirm that the main action in the game will take place on the bottom screen of the DS - the touch screen. This is presumably to facilitate the touch-screen puzzles and the touch-screen controlled knife slashing action we've already seen.
The top screen, rather dissapointingly, looks like it will just show a rather dull looking map/ammo HUD throughout. No two-screens-tall uber mutants here.
The game is currently slated for a vague "2006" release date. We'll update you when we hear more.