News: Resident Evil GCN-only reconfirmed

Capcom Japan has made an official announcement that Resident Evil will only come to GameCube. Reason for this are the recent rumors that staid that Resident Evil would also come to other platforms.

Here's what the statement reads:

"A rumor that Biohazard (Overseas name: Resident Evil) may be supplied to platforms other than Nintendo GameCube has started on overseas web sites recently. This has no basis and is not true at all. Biohazard, Biohazard 0, Biohazard 2, Biohazard 3 - Last Escape, Biohazard Code :Veronica Complete and Biohazard 4 are due to be put on the market for Nintendo GameCube exclusively as we announced on September 13th, last year. Our plans have not changed"

So too bad for all you X-Box or PS2 fans, but you won't see resident Evil on your system. Perhaps it would be better to get a GameCube after all huh?

Source: Capcom

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