News: Retro Mega Man 9 Heads To WiiWare

Posted 26 Jun 2008 at 15:14 by Nathan Whincup
Absent from Brawl he may be, but the Blue Bomber is heading exclusively to WiiWare in a brand new, gorgeous, 8-bit styled retro adventure.
After weeks of speculation, the platform for Capcom's Mega Man 9 has finally been revealed. It has been officially announced that the Blue Bomber will be shooting his way onto Nintendo's brilliant download service for the Wii - WiiWare.
A robot army have begun to revolt, and the maniacal Dr. Wily places the blame for the attacks on Mega Man's creator, Dr. Light, leaving it up to the Bomber to prove the good doctor's innocence. Enemies include Magma Man, Galaxy Man, Jewel Man, Concrete Man, Hornet Man, Plug Man, Tornado Man, and Splash Woman.
One of the most striking things about this new title is that it's effectively an extremely stylish and retro NES game (complete with 8-bit sprites and tunes). The Wii Remote is held sideways, and the D-pad and 1 + 2 buttons are all you need to play. Series creator Keiji Inafune claims that if a new Mega Man title was released in the current climate, it would be criticised for being simplistic, outdated and pricey, as opposed to a low risk WiiWare title.
Click here for scans, and expect to hear much more at E3.