News: Revolution Will Be A 'Pleasant Suprise'

More annoyingly teasing hinting, this time from the creator of Sonic, Sega's Yuji Naka. have spoken to Yuji Naka at the Leipzig games convention, where he was asked just how revolutionary the upcoming Nintendo console really would be. He replied that he was "under a strict NDA, so I can�t really say much. But I have seen the Revolution and I think everyone will be very pleasantly surprised, when Nintendo reveal everything."

Encouraging comments from him aside, it shows Nintendo are revealing the technology to some of the people who need to know about it in advance. Chances are that we will see a Sonic title sometime on Revolution due to Sega's support of the GameCube with that particular franchise.

Though for now, we'll just have to speculate how it will end up looking on Nintendo's mysterious upcoming console.

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