News: Rhythm Thief Details

Posted 21 Dec 2011 at 14:26 by Joshua Phillips
More details have emerged for SEGA's answer to Elite Beat Agents including a Japanese release date and wireless multiplayer.
SEGA released more information about Rhythm Thief recently and we now know that the game is set to release in Japan on January 19th and boasts wireless capabilities. Europe is still waiting for an official date.
SEGA also revealed that you can unlock certain items and special features within the game. You can collect medals by clearing rhythm games and checking 'suspicious places'. These medals can be used for various things like unlocking previously watched cut-scenes or items to help you out in the game.
Rhythm Thief is also set to feature wireless capabilities though sadly it seems that multiplayer will be local only. Every cloud has a silver lining though and whilst it's only local play there is an option for Download Play too so your friends can enjoy the beat without having to buy the game themselves.

The game is constantly compared to DS gem Elite Beat Agents and it's no surprise why as the characters incredible dance moves and impressive suits would impress even Agent Chieftain. Don't be fooled into thinking this game features just the one gameplay mechanic though as recent videos have shown a vast variety of different ways to play, much like Rhythm Tengoku/Heaven.
The trailer below shows a Samba De Amigo themed level and eagle eyed players may find further SEGA references (especially fans of Michael Jackson and erm... space) when they play through this joyful rhythm game later in the year.
What do you make of the game so far? Will you be picking it up next year? Let us know your thoughts below.