News: Rockstar Put Manhunt 2 On Hold

Following bans in various countries, and the AO rating in the US, Rockstar has put Manhunt 2 on hold...

Following the recent events regarding Manhunt 2, Rockstar has temporarily shelved the project.

Manhunt 2 is currently banned from the UK, Ireland, Italy and Australia. In the US, the game received an Adults Only rating. Nintendo and Sony's policies on games both state that they do not license AO games for their systems. Rockstar has now suspended distribution of Manhunt 2.

It is unknown if Rockstar will appeal against the bans or the AO ratings, or work on a censored version of the game.

Take-Two have stated that they will continue to stand behind Manhunt 2, and that they believe in freedom of expression. They also explained about their important role in responsible advertising of the product.

We will bring you any more developments on the matter of Manhunt 2 as they happen.

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