News: Rodea The Sky Soldier Is Complete

Posted 25 Sep 2011 at 14:49 by Joshua Phillips
The upcoming flight based adventure from the creator of NiGHTS is complete.
Yuji Naka has been beavering away on his latest flying adventure for some time now and it seems that him and his team are finally finished.
The creator of NiGHTS and Sonic told Siliconera that Rodea The Sky Soldier is complete and it is up to the publisher to decide when it gets released.
"Rodea the Sky Soldier has been finished for awhile now. My part at Prope has been done. Now it's up to Kadokawa Games to decide on the release strategy whether it will be come out for North America, Europe, and Japan."

When asked about whether or not the team plan to bring the game to the Wii U, Naka was quick to swat down any chance of that happening due to the unique control scheme of the game. He believes that as it was originally intended for Wii, that's the console it should be experienced on (though it is also on 3DS!)
"It's finished as Wii title and as of now we have no plans to bring it to Wii U. Rodea was made specifically for the Wii so players could enjoy it by flicking the remote. If we tried to incorporate those controls into the large Wii U controller it wouldn't be the same. I would really like for people to play and enjoy it on the Wii as I had originally intended."
The game features a unique flight mechanic that sees the player fly in arches towards selected objects, a design that was inspired by the 3D flight sections featured in Nights: Journey Of Dreams.
Would you like to be playing this game soon? And which system will you be playing it on? The 3DS version will utilize stereoscopic 3D whilst the Wii version boasts a unique control method.