News: RTX Red Rock 2?

Exclusive: GameCube Europe has acquired some interesting info regarding a possible sequel of the upcoming action adventure game RTX Red Rock from Lucas Arts.

As a sneak preview of the upcoming interview we did with Reeve Thompson, the producer of RTX Red Rock, we can slip you some tasty news we acquired during the session. We will publish the full interview this weekend.

Totally unexpectedly Reeve told us that he is already talking with Lucas Arts about a sequel of RTX Red Rock for the GameCube. Read about this and more in this sneak preview of our interview:

C-E: Do you already know what you are going to do after the release of RTX Red Rock in Spring 2003?

Reeve: Actually, I don't know yet. I have been talking with people about that trying to figure out what I want to do and what the company wants me to do, that kind of thing. We are definitely talking about whether we are going to do a RTX Red Rock 2. That is something I would be very interested in seeing happen. I am not sure exactly what role I would have in it but that is something we are looking at. We want to make Wheeler a character that you see in multiple games.

C-E: So you want to make it a new household name?

Reeve: Absolutely, we build Wheeler with that mind. It is a character you send to Mars in Red Rock to save the colony there, but he could just as easily be send to the moon, Jupiter or somewhere else.

C-E: Is RTX Red Rock 2 a dream for now or is there already a writer working on the title?

Reeve: Well, we do have some ideas for what we would like to do with RTX 2. We already have been thinking about a storyline and we have definitely left the door open doing more of these. We are going to finish the first one first, and then see where we want to go from there. But we have been talking about it a fair amount. I'd like to see it happen�

As you can see, the producer is quite interested in making a sequel. He was very enthusiastic about it and if it would be his decision there will definitely be one.

That is it for now folks. This weekend we will post the rest of the interview!

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