News: Rune Factory Oceans Details Emerge

Posted 06 Jan 2011 at 11:11 by Ashley Jones
Enjoy getting married, having babies and entering swimsuit contests in Rune Factory Oceans.
Marvelous Entertainment's upcoming title Rune Factory Oceans will feature in-game seasons, as the clock advances so too do the seasons. And with different seasons naturally comes swimsuit contests in the summer. Its not just female characters in their Mimi Hollidays though as male characters look set to join, hopefully easing any tension that the series is going down the DoA: Volleyball route.
According to Andriasang the changing seasons also means the look of the game's locations will change along with the weather. Specific season-based events will also take place, encouraging gamers to play for a long period of time.

Rune Factory Oceans obviously features much more than just this however. If you visit the Sisters Inn you will find a message board filled with quests set by people from around the island. Along the way you can collect materials to make new items, either for yourself or for townsfolk.
With the aide of your magic brush you can make monsters that you will later meet in dungeons. These can then become a member of your party and they will help you out in battle.
If all this swimwear and questing is getting you down you can always get married within the game. After this, naturally, comes the ability to have babies. How much of an effect this will have on you in the game is unclear but at least it adds some depth to the title.