News: Samba De Amigo Supports Pay & Play?

Posted 06 May 2008 at 10:44 by Nathan Whincup
The sombrero-clad, maracca-shaking ape could be 'grooving on down' to some brand new downloadable content, if a placeholder boxart is to be trusted.
Nintendo shocked fans with a pleasant surprise earlier this year with the announcement that very soon, select Wii titles would be endowed with the Pay & Play service (allowing downloadable content and paid-for online services to be accessed). Japanese WiiWare launch titles Lonpos and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King were given extra (paid-for) downloadable content shortly after their release, but we've yet to hear of a Wii retail title supporting the service.
That is, until now. US retailer GameStop have listed Samba De Amigo, the maracca-shaking, rhythm-based music title developed by Gearbox Software, with a new boxart emblazoned with the red Pay & Play icon. This is surely confirmation that the Wii version of Sega's monkey-grooving title will contain downloadable songs?

The original Dreamcast iteration of Samba De Amigo was updated with downloadable content from the internet in the form of 15 songs from Sega's history. If a last-generation console could do this, then this should be no problem for the Wii! Right?...