News: Samus Won't Be Playable in Dead or Alive

Posted 24 Jan 2011 at 19:42 by Ashley Jones
Even though Samus Aran appears in Dead or Alive: Dimensions she won't be playable.
When Nintendo's famous bounty hunter was shown in Team Ninja's upcoming 3DS title Dead or Alive: Dimensions last week speculation that she would be a playable character in the next title soon started. However, Team Ninja has squashed that suggestion while talking to Eurogamer.
Yosuke Hayashi has stated that while a Metroid: Other M stage appears in the game the titular hero will not. "Actually for the Metroid collaboration, we had help from Nintendo and they're really friendly with us," he stated. "But the concept of Dead or Alive as the best version of the game means Samus Aran or Metroid is something different. That's why we are not focusing on that in terms of the concept."
"So talking about Samus Aran, is she playable or not? This time she's not playable. But Samus Aran will be shown in the game. She comes to help the player. That's the collaboration shown there [in the trailer seen below]. But how you can unlock Samus Aran? Please find out by yourself."