News: Scripwriter Discusses Goldeneye Changes

Posted 13 Oct 2010 at 12:46 by Ashley Jones
It has already been announced that when Goldeneye: 007 comes out next month the storyline will have been tweaked. Head inside for some more details of what changes are in store.
In a recent interview with the Official Nintendo Magazine the scriptwriter for the updated Goldeneye: 007 have outlined what storyline changes have been made in the title as well as their reasons for doing so.
The original film, along with the popular N64 game by Rare, was released in 1995 and fifteen years later a lot has changed in the world. Rather than simply updating the graphics Eurocom decided to also update the storyline and hired Bruce Feirstein, one of the writers for the original film, to do so.
In his interview with ONM Mr. Feirstein stated that many of the issues within the original film simply aren't relevant today.
"When GoldenEye came out, the big reveal was Trevelyan's father was a Cossack massacred during WWII. Now in order for that to take place today, Trevelyan would be around 80 years old. The Zukovsky character played by Robbie Coltrane, the KGB agent, would be 80 years old too. It's a different world now, with new threats and challenges. So we gave Trevelyan a new motivation - I would tell you what that is, but I don't want to spoil the reveal."
Zukovsky has also been 'updated' as well to fit more in line with today's world, wherein billionaires own football clubs and such, and now owns a shady nightclub in Barcelona and a football club.
Another change from the original sees the French frigate no longer stolen from Monaco but instead Dubai as Mr. Feirstein felt it was a more realistic location for this to happen in today's society.
"In the original movie, the helicopter was stolen from a French frigate in the Monaco harbour, but because this is a game and a world more aware of huge arms fairs. We moved all of that to an arms fair in Dubai. Dubai is, in a way, the new Monaco. So you just clean it and polish it up and modernise it."
Much more is revealed in the interview in the latest issue of the Official Nintendo magazine that is currently on sale.