News: Second Opinions On Trauma Remake

Posted 08 Sep 2006 at 08:11 by guest
See what we did there? Trauma Center Second Opinion project lead talked to IGN recently about the 'Wii-remake'.
The game's project lead, and localization master, Tomm Hulett chatted to the website about the game's name, why it's not a port, and the changes the team is bringing to the series. Read on, surgery fans!
IGN Wii: Sweet. Finally, do you have any closing comments for fans interested in the Wii version of the game?
Tomm: I know there's been some concerns from fans after news that it was a Wii-make got out on the Internet. So, please rest assured there is a lot of new stuff to experience in Second Opinion. The new chapter really gives you a lot more plot to chew on, you have a new doctor, new procedures, and a new method of input (the Wii Remote) so even the old operations don't feel the same way. You've got difficulty modes so your family members can give it a shot, but also that new "Hard" mode if you don't feel challenged enough. The developers have said they consider this the "definitive" version of Trauma Center, and I have to agree� and totally not just because I had time to iron out embarrassing patches in my English script. We all know one dose of Trauma Center wasn't enough so why not get a Second Opinion?
Why not indeed? Check out the full interview here.