News: Sega Announce Jambo! Safari

Posted 20 May 2009 at 09:51 by Tom Phillips
Sega announce the opportunity to become a safari park ranger, in this African action adventure exclusively for Wii & DS...
Sega have today revealed they are updating the 1990s arcade classic Jambo! Safari for Wii and DS, reinventing it with modern graphics and deeper gameplay. Players choose one of four customisable safari park rangers to play as, and must work hard to become a fully qualified ranger. High speed challenges and exciting rescue missions across the rich and varied free-roaming landscapes of the African Plains await.

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Using one of the four customisable vehicles, including the licensed Land Rover Defender 90 and 110, rangers will need to ensure the animals in their park are healthy and happy. The vast range of missions in the game include rescuing animals in need, diagnosing and treating them before releasing them back to the wild, wildlife photography, sight seeing adventures and even hot air balloon rides!
The DS version meanwhile will make full use of the stylus and double screens, while the Wii version allows you to swing the Wii-mote like a lasso, both the Wii-mote and Nunchuk for driving, and includes a co-op mode enabling you to share certain missions with a friend. There are also party games which can be enjoyed by up to four people, such as Ostrich Racing.

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The game will be releasing for Wii and DS "late" in 2009. We'll keep you posted - in the meantime, check out more screenshots in our gallery, and let us know how you think it looks below!