News: Sega Doesn't Rule Out New F-Zero

Posted 17 May 2011 at 15:51 by Aaron Clegg
Developers of F-Zero GX are open to the possibility of a new eye-melting racer...
One of the key wishes of the Nintendo faithful in recent years has been a follow-up to 2003's critically acclaimed Gamecube racer F-Zero GX. Developed via a then-unprecedented collaboration between Nintendo and Sega, it was the last time we saw a home console version of the series that was created to show off the power of the humble SNES over two decades ago.
Nowadays, the developers of GX can be found dotted around various places after the primary studio (Amusement Vision) was reintegrated back into Sega. Coincidentally, staff working on the upcoming Mario & Sonic at the London Olympics can be traced back to the project, such as the Wii version's director Eigo Kasahara.
At a recent Mario & Sonic event, the folks over at Total Video Games couldn't resist popping the question to a group of Sega developers: could we see Sega and Nintendo team up again for a new F-Zero? Producer Osamu Ohashi was open to it:
"It might happen, if someone comes up with a brilliant idea that would make both Nintendo and SEGA happy. If there's a good idea, that will work for both of us, then we might do that. But as far as we know, we haven't heard of any concrete plan or project that's going on."
A refreshed collaboration with Sega to get the guys behind GX to work on a sequel would surely go down well with the fans, but it's certainly not Nintendo's only option. The company have been getting particularly cosy with specialised racer studio Monster Games as of late, who have recently completed work on 3DS launch title Pilotwings. Perhaps Nintendo would even consider looking in-house again; we hear some of the team behind F-Zero X are still knocking around EAD.
What would you like to see from a new F-Zero game? As ever, give us your two cents below...