News: Sensor Bar Snippets

"De-mystifying" the Sensor bar and Wii Remote with the aid of the interweb.

If you were curious about how it is exactly that the Wii Remote works in relation to what the Sensor bar does, here are a selection of interesting videos and pages that have been circulating on t'internet.

It seems that the Sensor bar doesn't send any information to the Wii console, and the cable is just there to provide power.
The Sensor bar comprises of two sets of LEDs that emit IR signals, which the Wii Remote will detect and use to triangulate its position and distance from the Sensor bar.

This video demonstrates with the use of an unplugged Sensor bar and TV remotes, how the Wii Remote detects IR signals. It also opened up the possibilities of a wireless iteration of the Sensor bar for the future.

Which leads us onto this page by Doctabu, who has created his very own battery powered, wireless DIY Sensor bar! His page includes instructions on how he made his, pictures and a YouTube video.

Finally, this Joystiq video clip shows how you can use candles in a darkened room as a makeshift Sensor bar replacement!

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