News: Sequels To Arc Rise Already Being Considered

Posted 03 Nov 2008 at 08:12 by Aaron Clegg
Lovely titbits ahoy from recent interview with the President of Image Epoch, developer of upcoming Wii RPG, Arc Rise Fantasia.
Proudly arriving alongside a glut of Wii RPGs that stretches the Final Fantasy and Tales series', as well as brand new IPs such as Kizuna and Fragile, Arc Rise Fantasia looks to add some genuine, Japanesey class to the system. Siliconera were lucky enough to grab to the side Ryoei Mikage, President of Image Epoch to discuss Fantasia.
First of all, it was confirmed that the game will leave out motion controls, as the developer feels the title is one that gamers would want to sit down and play for prolongued periods. The game will be compatible with Classic, Gamecube or Wii Remote/Nunchuck controller options. Of the length of the game, Image Epoch expect players to battle through the main story mode in around 40 hours, with 10-20 hours more to play through if all the side quests are to be conquered.
Mikage went on to state he would express much glee if Arc Rise Fantasia managed to get close to the sales figures Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World achieved (that game sits at 250,000 units sold in Japan). Slightly off-record, the President divulged into possible sequels to the project:
"We're thinking about expanding Arc Rise Fantasia into second and third sequels. As for the first one we're not thinking it's going to be that much of a big hit... [a sequel] will have common elements, a bit of different characters and a bit of a different story."
There's no European release currently planned for the 2009 Japanese RPG.