News: ShopTo.Net Advent Calendar

Posted 20 Nov 2010 at 18:28 by Ashley Jones
ShopTo.Net are offering gamers festive treats this Christmas in the form of special deals.
The gaming website ShopTo.Net are offering a unique take on the traditional advent calendar by giving away discounts rather than chocolates.
Every day during December they will offer special promotions on several titles from across their whole site that lasts for only 24 hours. This is in addition to other discounts and promotions they currently offer. Be sure to keep checking the site for bargains.
“We have really pulled out all the stops this Christmas with some fantastic deals on top titles. Each day we will offer a top title at a discount price, but only for 24 hours. The next day, it will be replaced by another quality title, so customers need to check the site regularly so they don’t miss out. But just because we can’t wait for December we have started our deal of the day now!