News: Simple Wi-Fi Start Found On DS

Does the DS have a mystery hidden feature to connect to the Wii?

A strange new menu function has been found on the DS' Wi-Fi setting setup menus - for something called "Simple Start Wi-Fi". Mentioned in none of the existing instructions booklets and practically impossible to stumble upon by accident, Nintendo have apparently stated that playing with it could be dangerous to your system, and it certainly doesn't do anything... yet.

Is this a feature to be used in the future along with the Wii? Or a relic of some old system architecture that Nintendo forgot to take out? Check out the video below to see how its done and make up your own mind:

Thanks to forum member Piem@n for the heads-up on this!

Update: Gaming site Siliconera has detailed the curious real use of the feature. Its actually a translated version of the "Raku Raku Musen Start" an extra setup option available in the Japanese version of the DS games. Apparently if you have an NEC router the option allows you to just hit to automatically configure your DS. NEC routers aren't common outside of Japan, this option was taken out elsewhere. As Siliconera notes, however the person accidentally found the hidden feature is probably more interesting than the truth about the option itself!

Thanks go to Chris Walton for the skinny on the update!

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