News: Sky, Nintendo Team Up For 3DS Launch

Posted 24 Mar 2011 at 16:22 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo UK teams up with Sky 3D to bring coverage of tonight's 3DS launch party...
Tonight's 3DS launch party just got a bit more classier, with Nintendo confirming a partnership with Sky TV to provide coverage for the event.
The 'Nintendo 3DS Ignition' event takes place tonight, whoch promises to be in bustling attendance by hundreds of lucky Club Nintendo members, as well as some glitzy names including comedian Russell Kane, rave band Hadouken! and the N-Europe team.
Sky will be filming the event and showing highlights on Sky 3D and Sky 1 HD tomorrow evening, so if you're there, dress appropriately.
Sky confirmed earlier this year that it will be providing 3D short-form content on Nintendo's handheld in the near future.