News: Smash Samus Only Zero-Suit Sometimes...

Posted 20 Jul 2007 at 09:21 by Tom Phillips
Samus will appear fully-suited in Smash Bros. Brawl after all. That is, until...
Early glimpses at the much anticipated forthcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl have shown Samus, star of the Metroid series of games, to be lacking her famous power-suit. Recently however, on the Smash Bros. Dojo!! blog, it showed her to playable in game with the suit on instead.
The mystery is revealed today on the Dojo!! blog, as in screen-shots it shows Samus (suit entact) activating her devastating "final smash" move - a new type of super-powerful attack unique to each character. The "final smash" move - called Zero Laser - is so powerful it obliterates most of the screen, though only by sacrificing the energy needed to maintain Samus' power-suit, which will then fall away to reveal Zero-Suit Samus underneath.
The blog also notes that the now discarded pieces of suit can then be picked up and thrown as projectiles. Man, we want this game. Dojo!! has the pics.
Update: A new update on the Dojo!! site implies Zero-Suit Samus as an entirely separate character as well. Will she be selectable? The mystery deepens...