News: Sonic Generations 3DS Listing Removed

Posted 21 May 2011 at 08:37 by Ashley Jones
The saga of Sonic Generations on the 3DS continues.
After initially only announcing Sonic Generations for the Xbox 360 and PS3 rumours began to circulate that Sega are preparing something else to celebrate their mascot's 20th anniversary for the Wii and 3/DS. Earlier in the week the title was listed for release on the 3DS in the company's earnings report.
However, the story has taken another twist as the Sega Sammy group has released an updated earnings report document that removes the 3DS and PC platforms for the Sonic Generations listing. Whether this means it was all a big mistake or Sega simply want to unveil it officially another time is unknown. It is likely that an answer, one way or another, will be revealed at E3 in a few weeks time.