News: Sonic Generations 3DS Pretty Much Confirmed

Posted 17 May 2011 at 20:58 by Ashley Jones
It would appear that Sonic's 20th anniversary will be celebrated on the 3DS.
When Sega announced Sonic Generations several weeks ago Nintendo fans quickly noticed that the 20th anniversary celebratory title was only listed for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Rumours have since cropped up suggesting that it would be released on the 3DS as well but Sega has remained silent about it, until now.
Eagle-eyed readers of the Sega Sammy group public earnings presentation noticed a little snippet of information tucked away. In the section listed 'Major Titles' Sonic Generations is listed as "PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS, PC", which pretty much confirms the title will be released on Nintendo's new handheld.
Presumably Sega will either acknowledge this find or wait until next month's E3 but fans of Sonic should be reassured by the 3DS mention alongside the listing for Sonic Generations. Hopefully a Wii version will also be released as Sonic Colours was the Sega Sammy group's biggest seller last year but only time will tell.