News: Sonic Generations and Shinobi 3DS Confirmed

Posted 25 May 2011 at 05:00 by Ashley Jones
Two rumoured Sega 3DS titles have been confirmed by Nintendo Power.
The latest issue of Nintendo Power, the official Nintendo magazine in America, has confirmed the existence of two rumoured 3DS titles: Sonic Generations and Shinobi.
Sonic Generations was announced recently for Xbox 360 and PS3 and rumours circulated that it would be released on the 3DS as well. Last week it appeared on one of Sega's financial report, leading to speculation that it was indeed coming. However, Sega amended the report and removed the listing but now it seems that it is indeed being released for the 3DS.
The title is a celebration of the hedgehog's 20th anniversary and features a classic and contemporary Sonic as well as mixing 2D and 3D gameplay.
Shinobi is also making its way to the 3DS after rumours have emerged during the last few days. The title, which was also ported to the Wii's Virtual Console service a few years ago, sees you play as a ninja called Joe Musashi who must stop a criminal organisation from kidnapping children.
More information is unavailable at present but with E3 just two weeks away expect a lot of news soon.