News: Sonic RPG Announced

Posted 21 Jun 2007 at 09:37 by Dean Jones
Sonic blasts his way onto the DS once more, this time in the form of an RPG...
Sega and BioWare today announced that they are working on a Sonic RPG game for the Nintendo DS
There are no details on the game as of yet, and the name Sonic RPG isn't final. What we do know is that: It's a Sonic the Hedgehog game. It's an RPG. Useful, aren't we?
BioWare are developing the game, and previously worked on titles such as Baldur's Gate and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Ray Muzyka, chief executive officer of BioWare, had this to say about the game:
"As huge fans of Sonic ourselves, we're committed to delivering a truly amazing story-driven experience within the Sonic universe, focusing on capturing the character's broad appeal and placing him in a completely original adventure,"
Sonic RPG is due for a release in 2008. We will bring more details as the emerge