News: Sony CEO Criticises Nintendo Consoles

Posted 09 Apr 2011 at 09:44 by Ashley Jones
Sony CEO Jack Tretton has described Wii's motion controls as "cute" but inaccurate and Nintendo's handhelds as only suitable for children.
In a recent interview with Gamesutra Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Jack Tretton has criticised Microsoft and Nintendo for their home consoles. He describes them both as "running out of steam" and finds it incredible that companies are willing to launch consoles without an inbuilt hard drive.
While the Wii's motion controls were unique when the console was launched in 2006 it has since been replicated by both Microsoft and Sony and Mr. Tretton criticised their competitors attempts, alluding the Move's technical superiority . "Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I'm doing true accurate motion gaming?"
In another recent discussion with the site he has also commented on Nintendo's handhelds, probably in preparation for their upcoming PSP successor NGP. He describes Nintendo's handhelds as "great babysitting tool," but added "no self-respecting 20-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those. He's too old for that."
Certainly some strong words from Jack Tretton, which is not unusual in the industry as companies often seem to alternate between stating "we respect what our competitors do but we're trying something else" and outright attacks. With the impending release of the NGP this probably won't be the last time it is compared to the 3DS by executives on both sides.