News: Sony's Andrew House Comments on Wii U

Posted 14 Jun 2011 at 06:09 by Ashley Jones
Speaking during E3 last week Sony's Andrew House doesn't seem too concerned about the Wii U.
As Nintendo focused on their 3D handheld and high definition home console during E3 last week Sony focused on their high definition handheld and 3D home console. Speaking to Sony's Andrew House was asked about Nintendo's newly announced Wii U and what he thought about it.
Mr. House admitted that due to the nature of E3 he wasn't able to watch the conference, and in fact seemed to turn the tables on the interviewer and ask him all about it, but when he found out some details he didn't seem all too concerned.
Upon learning that multiplayer games will be played with Wii Remotes primarily he asked "what if you've got a family of six?" At present the PlayStation 3 only supports four controllers for local multiplayer gaming.
Many have commented on Nintendo using 360 and PS3 footage during their conference, which they themselves have admitted and stated that it's too early to show actual Wii U footage but the console will be able to produce that level of quality, or better. Asked how he feels about this Mr. House responded: "The only thing I've got to say is mimicry is the is the highest form of flattery."