News: Soul Calibur III On Revolution

It seems that Soul Calibur III will not only be on the PS2 but the Nintendo Revolution and next Xbox console as well.

Despite what was claimed a few weeks back Namco is working on versions of Soul Calibur III for the next Xbox console and also the Nintendo Revolution. A Namco representative stated the following; “Namco is definitely planning to develop the Soul Calibur series on the next-generation platforms. However, when we started development for SCIII, the specs for the next-generation platforms were not set, and there were no dev kits, which ultimately lead (sic) us to development on the PS2.

“Essentially, Namco wanted to create a game with even more content than in Soul Calibur II, so we made the choice to focus on a single platform. And when we thought about choosing a single platform, we wanted it to be on the platform that has the greatest penetration in the current marketplace, that being PS2. Namco is very excited about bringing SCIII to the PS2 and the team has worked very hard on maximizing the graphics for SCIII, which [we] think will please franchise fans."

So it seems that Nintendo fans will be able to play Soul Calibur III after all, but when it is not known.

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