News: Special Edition 3DS' Come To Japan

Posted 11 Oct 2011 at 15:56 by Joshua Phillips
Japan gets treated to special edition SD Gundam G Generation and Monster Hunter 3DS units.
After the news of the blue and black Wii bundles in Europe and America you might have been thinking that Japanese gamers have been left in the dark but fret not as in fact, they've come out with the best deal. Japan has been treated to two special edition 3DS units. The first is a special edition Monster Hunter 3DS.

This new white 3DS has the red Monster Hunter Tri 3G artwork and comes bundled with the game. There are currently two bundles for the game, this special edition 3DS and the Slider Pad bundle. The game can be bought separately too.
The most recent special edition 3DS was announced today. This SD Gundam G Generation 3DS is set to be released alongside the game when it comes out in Japan on the 22nd December.

It's time to calm down though as it is most likely that neither of these special edition 3DS' will be making their way to Western shores.
What do you make of the two special edition 3DS systems? Would you buy any of them? Let us know in the comments section.