News: Spector Talks Up Mickey Graphics

Posted 12 Nov 2010 at 12:39 by Aaron Clegg
Warren Spector offers some bold claims about Epic Mickey's presentation, while the studio hints at a possible sequel...
In an interview with MCV, Junction Point Studios chief and Epic Mickey visionary talked up his game's graphical prowess over fellow Wii titles.
"I think this is the best-looking Wii game ever. I think graphically it hits a bar that the best Disney stuff has to hit. I think that will appeal to people."
Spector also boasted that the real genuis of Epic Mickey lay in the freedom it gives to players to allow them to play the game at they pace they want: "...the gamer can make it feel like a Mario game, or a Zelda game. They determine the pace of play."
In related news, Junction Point's director of product development, Paul Weaver, teased the prospect of a sequel in the near future, stating that "if people react well to the game and want to see more Tales of Wasteland, then I'd certainly love to be involved on another adventure with Mickey Mouse!"
Spector has previously gone on record to say that he initially envisioned Epic Mickey as a trilogy of games.