News: Spider-Man Player's Choice

Activision are to add Spider-Man: The Movie to the Player's Choice in America.

Activision have announced that they will add Spider-Man: The Movie to the GameCube's Player Choice titles.

The popular title is based on the action film that was releases last year which sees Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man battle foes all across New York. The game will be available in America for $19.99.

As with all Player's Choice titles the game has sold over 450,000 units for the GameCube. No news yet on if it will be available in Europe.

Staff Comments:

Ben: Excellent. It's nice to see Nintendo thinking of our wallets. �40 for most people is a hell of a lot of money. After paying for my monthly edition of Hamster World, I don't have much spare cash left. However, come on Ninty, your loyal fans want to see the GameCube's best being introduced into the range. Well, I do. Lets hope European players will get the chance to take control of young Peter Parker for less. Heres hoping.

Tim: Indeed, Excellent! The more the merrier. In Europe we should get a bunch of games added to the lineup pretty soon. I heard they are waiting to add Sonic Adventure Battle 2 until they have sold most of the normal retail copies. I am sure we will see a budget spidey here also though. It is just a matter of time...

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