News: Spooky NES Trio For Euro Virtual Console

This week's European Virtual Console update brings three classic NES titles, including the third Castlevania game.

This week's Virtual Console updates are set to terrify gamers who aren't phased by modern horror titles such as Manhunt 2 (finally out in Europe today after a BBFC-inflicted delay of more than a year). A frightful trio of NES titles is Nintendo's treat (or is it a trick?) for us this Halloween.

Konami's Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (500 Wii Points) is this week's first title; a whip-cracking adventure which sees Trevor Belmont and three vampire-slaying pals out on a quest to save Europe from darkness and whack a stake through old Vlad the Impaler's cold, dead heart.

Devil World (500 Wii Points) by Nintendo is next up. The premise may be familiar to those who played Super Smash Bros. Brawl earlier this year, where Demon appeared as a screen-shifting assist trophy. Devil World sees you navigating a series of mazes whilst Demon shifts the screen, creating a dangerous boundary between yourself, a set of walls and several evil beasties. This game is also notorious for being the only Miyamoto title not to reach North America due to a few too many religious references.

Lastly, we've got Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins (500 Wii Points), widely believed to be one of the hardest games on the NES. As a knight called Arthur, you're out on a mission to retrieve Princess Prin Prin from a host of undead creatures - try getting past the five minute mark without losing all your armour.

As always, expect reviews of these titles from our resident retro reviewer Sam Gittins very soon. Happy Halloween!

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