News: Spyborgs Gets Euro/Aussie Date

Posted 20 Jul 2009 at 17:11 by guest
Capcom just announced the Spyborgs date for the glorious lands of Europe and Australia. Head inside.
Spyborgs, the frantic brawler created by Bionic Games, which houses former members of Insomniac Games and High Impact Games is set to hit PAL Wiis on the 25th of September.
The game has over 35 stages, three playable characters and is played in co-op at all times whether you're alone or with friends as you can switch from single to multiplayer seamlessly at any time. Also worthy of note is the graphics engine that makes better use of Wii than most games and the achievement system used to unlock art, videos and challenges.
Look forward to more coverage of Spyborgs nearer its release!