News: Square Enix Calls for a Strong Wii U Launch

Posted 28 Jul 2011 at 13:16 by Aaron Clegg
Final Fantasy publishers says the fortunes of Wii U will be decided by its launch line-up...
After an incredibly interesting E3, chatter about Nintendo's next generation system seems to have died down until more concrete announcements can flow in. But that still hasn't stopped the industry weighing in with their own speculation and advice. This time its the turn of Square Enix, with worldwide technology director Julien Merceron offering his thoughts.
Speaking to Video Gamer, Merceron opined that Wii U's success would ultimately rest upon the state of its launch line-up.
"For every console it's the same thing: one of the most important things is going to be the launch line-up. We see that every time there's a great title shipping on PSP, the PSP sales go up, and every time there's a great title shipping on 3DS, the 3DS sales go up. If the audience and players can see that there are products for them, there's definitely going to be wide adoption of Wii U. The things of utmost importance are going to be the pricing at launch, and the line-up."
Square Enix has currently not announced any titles for Wii U.