News: Square-Enix & Capcom Tease New Titles

Both Square-Enix and Capcom have set up new websites teasing new titles. Can you guess what they might be for?

It's speculation time here at N-Europe on this sunny summer Sunday. Two of our favourite games developers are on the cusp of announcing new games, as evidenced by these two new teaser pages.

Square-Enix have unveiled a new teaser page for an as-yet-unannounced title - check it out at If you turn your volume way up you can here some old 16-bit sounding music. Can any readers help us out in identifying it? Let us know below if recognise it...

Even more cryptically, if that is possible, Capcom are not to be outdone with their own new teaser site here:, which features some creepy sounding music of its own. Is Resident Evil 6 going back to the middle ages? We doubt it, but who knows.

Let us know your speculation for these two new games below - we'll let you know all the scoop when these games are properly unveiled!

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