News: Starcraft Ghost On Time

Contrary to recent rumours, Starcraft Ghost is on target for its Cube release.

A number of rumours about Starcraft Ghost have been haunting the web of late. The most frequent phantoms have been howling about a potential delay of the cube version or that it had been cancelled outright and was to be an Xbox exclusive.

The company was recently contacted by IGN to confirm these rumours, a representative of Blizzard had the following to say:

"Our plans are, and have always been, to ship StarCraft: Ghost on all three platforms at the same time," a company representative told IGN today. "The game is up and running nicely on all of the platforms, Nova's abilities are all in, and we're refining the levels and vehicle mechanics at this point."

"We will not ship the game for Xbox before we do for PlayStation and GameCube, and we won't incorporate any console-specific exclusives in terms of in-game content," the Blizzard spokesperson added. "We wouldn't want anyone to feel like they're missing out on something just because they own one console and not another."

So it looks like we can all now sleep safe again at night knowing that Starcraft: Ghost will be busting its way on to our purple friend soon.

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