News: Steel Penny Games For WiiWare

Former Naughty Dog employees have announced that they are now official WiiWare developers!

It seems that the downloadable content scene is really catching on. Steel Penny Games, a development studio consisting of several ex-Naughty Dog employees (who were responsible for the original Crash Bandicoot games on the PlayStation) have just announced their acceptance into the world of WiiWare.

The studio have spent the last year building development tools to work with the Wii, and they plan to bring a series of games to WiiWare. Bruiser & Scratch in Case of the Puzzling Paw is a game currently listed as in development on their website, so it seems extremely likely that we'll be seeing this on the WiiWare service later this year.

Stay tuned to N-Europe for the latest on WiiWare and Steel Penny Games' project.

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