News: Street Fighter IV 3D Collaboration Confirmed

Posted 24 Jan 2011 at 08:05 by Ashley Jones
A collaboration between Super Street Fighter IV 3D and another 3DS title has been confirmed.
The Street Fighter franchise has had its share of collaborations and Super Street Fighter IV 3D for the 3DS will be no different in this regards. Andriasang is reporting that Capcom's blog has been updated to confirm that a collaboration will be taking place.
The report only indicates that it will be taking place between Super Street Fighter IV 3D and another 3DS launch title. At present no other details are available about the collaboration but they will be confirmed on January 26th.
The Japanese launch line-up consists of the titles listed below but which do you think will collaborate with Super Street Fighter IV 3D? The launch titles are:
Combat of Giants Dinosaur 3D
Nintendogs + Cats
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Ridge Racer 3D
Puzzle Bobble 3D
Samurai Warriors Chronicle
Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
Winning Eleven 3DSoccer