News: StreetPass Meet-Up This Saturday

Posted 23 Jun 2011 at 16:12 by Aaron Clegg
A quick reminder about the official StreetPass meet-up event planned for this weekend. Get involved!
Just a heads-up: this Saturday is Nintendo-dubbed "StreetPass Day", happening all around the world. Nintendo have teamed up with the Meetup Everywhere service to give 3DS owners the opportunity to bolster their StreetPass Plazas.
There are hundreds of meet-ups already planned in cities across the globe, so to see if there are any going down in your area, head over to the official site. If there is no planned event for your area, fear not! You can set up your own and sound-out for fellow 3DS owners via Twitter and Facebook.
The StreetPass feature allows multiple 3DS systems to wirelessly trade all kinds of game data, such Miis to use in StreetPass Quest. Many standalone pieces of 3DS software also make use of it, including Super Street Fighter IV and Nintendogs + cats.