News: Strong Bad Details And Media

A new press release has shed light on some details in the upcoming WiiWare title Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.

The upcoming WiiWare title Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People from Telltale featuring Strong Bad, a boxing-glove-wearing megalomaniac who claims he is the coolest person in the world. The title will work in an episodic format, with the first episode entitled "Homestar Ruiner", which will be available on the WiiWare service and PC in June.

The premier episode in WiiWare's new episodic series sees our totally awesome anti-hero kick off his radical adventure in the House of Strong by answering his emails, playing some games, and preparing to destroy his enemies. Mr. Bad goes on to try to win the tri-annual Race to the End of the Land and beat out his arch-nemesis, Homestar Runner. However, all does not go to plan, and Strong Bad must find a way to get his adversary out of his house and back onto the running track.

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