News: Super Bust a Move All Stars

Super Bust a Move is back on track and will be released this september. Head inside for screens and info of this game!

After having put Super Bust a Move All Stars on hold for a while, Ubi Soft announced it will be releasing the game September 5th 2003 in Europe.

The game is enhanced for the GameCube with upgraded high-resolution graphics, thousands of new puzzle boards, and new characters and animations.

The game will contain the following modes and features:

4 Modes:
1P Puzzle - 1 Player tries to clear a series of puzzles
1P vs CPU � 1 Player tries to beat the computer
1P vs 2P � 2 Players battle each other
Time Attack � A times battle between 2 to 4 players

Mind-blowing, seriously additive gameplay with: All levels in each game mode are brand new

The main character, Bub, will join the fun. In total there will be 8 playable characters excluding 2 other secret characters, making a grand total of 10

Multi-player Mode: exclusive new Time Attack modes: up to 4 players

Training modes: teaches you how to master all the incredible new features

All-new secrets like "another World Stage"...

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