News: Super Mario Collection for Wii?

According to some translated release dates Super Mario Collection for the Wii has slyly been confirmed.

A report from Vooks, with translations found on Neogaf, suggests that amongst some newly announced release dates Nintendo of Japan have slipped in Super Mario Collection.

According to the report the game will contain the All Star (SNES) versions of the following titles:

  • Super Mario Bros. 1
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 (known as Super Mario Bros USA in Japan)
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels (known as Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan, just to confuse things)

It is also suggested that Super Mario World may be included but finalised details are currently unknown. A booklet containing the 25 year history of Mario will be included as well as a soundtrack.

The title is due out in Japan on October 21st for a very reasonable 2500 Yen (approximately €23/�19). Nintendo trademarked the title last year and this is the first that has been said about the game since.

Please remember that as this has yet to be confirmed by Nintendo take the news with a pinch of salt. There is the possibility that this is very much real but as is usual in these kind of cases it is best to wait for official confirmation from Nintendo just in case. Still, the thought of a disc full of classic Mario titles has us excited and we can only hope it gets released in Europe too.

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