News: Super Meat Boy Cancelled On WiiWare

Posted 23 Dec 2010 at 23:55 by Aaron Clegg
Team Meat slaps Wii owners with a big wet turkey. Merry Christmas!
Remember Super Meat Boy? The 2D indie title from Team Meat that was originally announced as a Nintendo-backed WiiWare game released on Xbox Live Arcade back in October. The WiiWare version experienced indefinite delays apparently due to the developer going over the 40MB WiiWare-limit when developing the HD version after Microsoft stepped in with a 'timed exclusivity deal'.
Well unfortunately, Team Meat have decided pruning the game down to fit on Nintendo's downloadable service just ain't worth it, and have cancelled the WiiWare avenue. The team's Twitter page suggests a retail version is being pursued, but the tone very much seems to be that a publisher willing to put what is a quintessential downloadable title onto a retail market will not likely be found.
It seems somewhat ironic that the first console version of Super Meat Boy to be announced, and one that only came about because of Nintendo's active interest, is the one that suffers.