News: Super Paper Mario Dated In US

The Mushroom Kingdom's mascot is set to go RPG-ing once more, as Nintendo announces an American release date...

Nintendo of America have announced that Super Paper Mario, originally shown at E3 last year as being for the GameCube, will see release across the pond on April 9th. The title has been moved to the Wii, though it is unknown what differences this will mean, or how the Wii-mote will be integrated into game-play.

Despite this, it is excellent news - not least because the first-party release list for the Wii has been looking worryingly empty, with still no official word on big hitters Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption or Super Mario Galaxy. Hopefully a release here in Europe will follow shortly afterwards.

When we hear a European release date, we'll let you know.

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