News: Super Princess Peach Shots

Posted 08 Feb 2006 at 04:18 by Tom Phillips
Next up in our veritable array of new screens, we take a look at the European version of Super Princess Peach on the DS!
It seems Bowser's finally gotten wise and kidnapped Mario, figuring that since he's the guy who normally does the rescuing, no one will be around to rescue him. He's in for a big surprise, though, because Peach is armed and dangerous. Starring Princess Peach and her parasol (cunningly named Parry), the game looks to be a great reversal of the usual story.
Peach gets special powers, as not only can she whack Bowser's minions with her parasol, but she's able to channel her emotions into special abilities. When she's happy she can float through the air, though if she's mad her fiery temper can set things ablaze. Conversely, she can make vegetation grow with her tears when she's upset. Crazy female emotions.
Update: NOA has launched a bare-bones website for Super Princess Peach which can be viewed right here. The site will be sure to see heavy updates in the very near future as the game's American release is right around the corner. As it is, the site allows for the creation of a "Princess Peach Mini-Mag" to keep you busy. Cute.
We've got a grand total of nine new screens for your perusal below. Take a peek: