News: Survey Reveals Who Plays Mario Kart

Posted 26 Aug 2011 at 10:28 by Ashley Jones
MCV has conducted a survey looking into who plays Mario Kart and the results may interest you.
The Mario Kart franchise has been one of Nintendo's strongest with iterations on every console since the SNES. Industry magazine MCV has recently conducted a survey to find out exactly who plays Mario Kart.
MCV spoke to 6,835 European gamers and of those 2,856 had played Mario Kart in the last six months. It is not specified which Mario Kart they are referring to and it may in fact be that MCV asked just about the series, and thus answers could include all games, but it is probably safe to assume the majority were speaking about Mario Kart Wii, or perhaps even Mario Kart DS.
982 gamers, who were defined as having played the game for any amount of time within the last six months in this survey, were then asked about their playing habits in more detail and it was found that the gender divide is fairly even, with 56% of players being male and 44% being female. Interestingly a higher proportion of female gamers are playing Mario Kart more then they are the average game, although this is also true for males over the age of 35.
The report also notes that 130 million "eyeball hours", the amount of time spent in front of the game, have been clocked in on Mario Kart over the last three years. Two thirds of this time was spent by males, suggesting that males play the game for a longer period of time than females. A break down of audience by gender and age brackets can be seen below courtesy of MCV: