News: Swing Free With Soul Calibur

Soul Calibur Legends set to have one to one gesture movement?

A recent interview with Soul Calibur Legends director Jin Okubop has revealed his ambitious plans for how the player will control their character on screen.

His plans involve; "swinging the Wii Remote as players please, in-game characters will perform the exact sword actions that players are thinking of." This differs significantly from the likes of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess whereby a vertical swipe of the remote would produce the same animation of Link swinging his sword vertically no matter what other gestures you made. The closest one to one gesture mechanic we have seen in a Wii game so far, is in Wii Sports, more precisely in Baseball. When batting the bat on screen matches the movements of your remote, but eagle eyed viewers will notice that there is a slight delay in the motions being displayed on screen.

So how this will work in sync with the nunchuck handling body movement and combining with the remote for special attacks remains to be seen. With the game recently revealed on Namco-Bandai's E3 list and reportedly 40-50% complete we can at least expect to see it demonstrated if not playable when the exhibition kicks off later this month. It is, however, possible that Mr. Okubop was exaggerating slightly, and that the game uses pre-set animations based on which directions you swing the remote in, and not 100% direct control over the sword.

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