News: Tales of the Abyss 3DS Heading Stateside

Posted 27 Apr 2011 at 22:07 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo Power seems to confirm the 3DS port of Tales of the Abyss for North America...
Bandai Namco may continue to disappoint western Tales fans every year, having still not brought over any of the DS entries or the superb-looking Tales of Graces, but it looks like one game is getting a surprising localisation.
A scan from Nintendo Power (via GoNintendo) shows a full-page spread of the characters from Tales of the Abyss 3D with the text "The modern RPG classic Tales of the Abyss is about to be retold on the Nintendo 3DS. Yes, even in America!"
Then again, perhaps it isn't too surprising. The well-received PS2 original did earn a North American localisation in 2006, so a translation does already exist. The game never did make it to Europe, so fingers crossed the 3DS port doesn't share the same fate.