News: Team 17 Worm Their Way Out

Team 17 have decided to stop developing for the GameCube!

Team 17, the company behind the popular Worms series, have decided to stop developing for the Nintendo GameCube.

The Creative/Studio Director posted the announcement on the official Team 17 forum. The full post can be found below.

There's no discrimination, just that there isn't too much retail backing, which is what makes publishers nervous, stops them making agreements to develop GC games etc. I'm certain that W3d is our last GC game since the publishers aren't interested in a cube version of the other game we have in development.


Team 17 clarifies its stance on Nintendo's console.

Team 17 has updated its forum with a calirification on its stance on Nintendo's console. It appears that the GameCube hasn't been ruled out completely after all. This is what the company had to say:

Frustratingly enough, it appears that this thread has been picked up and is being used on a number of games news sites - which does make me wonder if I should be even saying something on our own forum - which is a bit scarey... anyway I feel the record needs to be put straight.

To clarify our position, since my comments are being used in a number of different contexts;

1. We haven't abandoned Gamecube Development or made any strategic decision to cease Gamecube development.

2. Since our next project has not been requested on the GC platform (by our publishing partners on both sides of the Atlantic) I only assume it's our last given the time-lines associated with modern day development and the trends being demonstrated by publisher request.

3. Should a publisher approach us with a view to developing a GC title then of course we would give it absolute consideration, as we would with any title.

4. Development platforms are largely dictated by one of three things;

[1] The Publisher
[2] Retail Chains (generally lower hardware/games sales for a format)
[3] 1st Party deals (i.e. if Nintendo asked us to develop a game for GC)

You'll note that with the exception of the PC format, which is open to anyone, you'll not see the developer being involved with those decisions. We are a developer!

Since this thread has been picked up and linked, I'd like to take the opportunity to reiterate that any views expressed in this (or any other) thread are my own and not those of my employer and certainly not of our 3rd party publishing partners.

There you have it. Anything can still happen. Let's hope that the publisher of Team 17's secret title will still decide to release it for the Nintendo GameCube.

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