News: Team Meat Considering Retail

Posted 04 Nov 2010 at 07:10 by Ashley Jones
Team Meat are considering bringing out a retail version of Super Meat Boy for the Nintendo Wii.
A few days ago we reported that Super Meat Boy had been delayed on WiiWare due to size limitation problems. Team Meat, the developers of the game, are now contemplating bringing out a retail version of the game.
Following the announcement the other day Team Meat asked their fans if they would be willing to buy a retail version for $20 if it came with extras. According to Slack News fans responded positively to this question and now Team Meat are considering their options.
"The size limit is a huge issue. We are looking into our options and talking things over with Nintendo to see what we can do. We are trying to deal with these issues with the mind set of making the best version of the game as possible above all else."
No definite decision has been reached yet but we'll keep you updated as the news progresses.